
Want to add some rocket fuel to your rocket? 

Want to up your game in how you engage with the world as a man? 

Want to explore making a dream come alive?

Want to get solid answers to figuring this whole life thing out?

Try out a new business we have started: Clarity Coaching Network! The nature of the business is to offer life coaching to young men in the age range of 25-40. We have a passion for helping to guide and support men through the journey of life, sharing our wisdom and bringing our decades of men’s facilitation work to this audience.

My business partner, Bruce Noll, and I are launching a 4-week group coaching program. We call it ManTalk. We are conducting a second pilot in March of this year. It is a virtual program held entirely on Zoom, once per week for four weeks, three hours per session. The total time commitment on your part is 13 hours, plus reading and video assignments. Ten participants make up the cohort that supports this pilot. Bruce and I are the program facilitators.

There are four major topics covered in our 4-week program:

  1. Personal Values
  2. Relationship Dynamics
  3. Work-Life Balance
  4. Inner Challenges

The program offers several benefits: 

  1. Training on numerous subtopics within the four above major topics, for example, “Integrity and Respect” within the Personal Values section
  2. Coaching from us as Certified Life Coaches on any ongoing challenges you are experiencing in your life
  3. Mentoring from two highly seasoned men with much life experience
  4. Resources to help you develop healthy lifestyle patterns as a Grown Man
  5. A built-in support group of cool people just like you – your peers
  6. A personal outlook on life that puts you in the driver’s seat as captain of your own life

We are offering this second pilot program to you for the registration fee: $50, and the tuition fee for $50, for a total of $100 (a $250 savings). When we complete the pilots we are conducting, our standard charge for this training will be $350. We are offering this incentive to you because we will be asking for your help after the pilot is completed to refine our content based on your experience of the event.

That’s it in a nutshell. I think this program will greatly benefit any young man who attends. I hope you choose to participate with us.

Rick Morgenstern


ManTalk: Spring 2024 Four-Week Coaching Program


ManTalk is an interactive 4-week introductory online group coaching program. Four topics are covered by experienced facilitators: Personal Values, Relationship Dynamics, Work-Life Balance, Inner Challenges

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